How to use a story to pack a bigger punch

In Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath identify stories as one of the six keys to communicating your ideas in a way that makes them pack a bigger punch and stick in your audience’s minds…forever.

Here’s an example of this in action. This story is from a talk I gave on resilience. The technique I share in the video is what I call Instant Perspective, which basically boils down to asking “Is this going to be a big deal a year from now?”

While I could have just shared this question with audience, the audience might have likely just thought “I already know that technique.”

To make the point more interesting and more enjoyable for the audience, I wrapped the technique in this story. I’ve had people come up to me and say they heard this story years ago and have told it to their friends…that’s the power of storytelling.



For More On How to Use Stories to Become a More Interesting and Persuasive Communicator
If you want to learn more about how to use stories to make your message come alive, come to upcoming seminar:

Tell a better story. Become more interesting. Grow your business.


When: June 24rd · 12:45PM-1:45PM

Where: O’Maine Studio, Portland, Maine

A Maine Startup & Create Week Partner Program

For more information

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