This tough time is just a chapter…not the whole story

Hey…I just posted on my WhateverLifeBrings.comĀ blog about looking at tough times with a different perspective. It came out of my recent experiences volunteering at an animal shelter, walking and running the dogs, and feeling sad for the dogs who looked so lost and bereft, but then coming back the following week and seeing they had been adopted.

It’s an example of having a simple everyday life experience and using it as an analogy or a metaphor for a bigger truth about life.

If you want to read it, both for the content and to see another example of thinking in terms of analogies and metaphors–i.e. “Hmmm…what is this experience like?” go to This Tough Time is Just a Chapter…It’s Not the Whole Story


Also…if you want information on the upcoming August webinar (will be recorded) about how to “Wrap Your Message in Bacon“, check that out.

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