Using a Story to Start off a Management Development Program

Here’s an example of using a story to start off a management developlment program. I’ve used this story a lot over the years when doing training programs for supervisors and managers. It’s sort of an adult version of those Goofus and Gallant cartoons you might have read as a kid in Highlights magazines (at the dentist’s or doctor’s office).

The story compares two managers, John and Harry, and how different their teams are, in terms of their quality and productivity metrics, and in their level of engagement. It also contrasts how much job enjoyment the two managers have. Harry has fun on the job and John is continuously frustrated.

I like to start off with this story in management development seminarsĀ because it helpsĀ participants get from the very beginningĀ that what I will be covering will make a difference to them. In other words, I dial them into “WII-FM” –What’s In It for Me?–from the outset with this story.

Stories that communicate “This will help you” “This will make a difference in your life” capture the audience’s interest and create a desire to hear more.

It’s also an example of using a story to challenge people without confronting them. Since in most management seminars, you’ll have some participants who don’t believe they need to learn anything new, and/or aren’t aware of how they might be creating some of the problems they experience, this story helps challenge this perception in a non-threatening way.

It’s non-threatening, because you’re “just telling a story” and not directly confronting anybody.


If you want to read the article I wrote about this scenario, it’s at my site. It’s also a good example of using a story to frame an article.

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