What Made Nancy Duarte Resonate with Storytelling…and why should you care?

resonateIn an interview with Jonathan Fields of the GoodlifeProject, Nancy Duarte, author of Slide:ology and Resonate, explained what inspired her to write the book Resonate and what turned her into a passionate believer in the power of storytelling in business.

I recommend you watch the whole interview (you can also download the MP3s when you sign up at the GoodLifeProject website), but the part I want to share with you now comes at 27:46 when Jonathan asks Nancy Duarte about what prompted her to write Resonate.

Notice how she tells the story.

Notice how she creates a movie in your mind of the moment she realized the changed landscape of the creative industry she was in, and what she needed to do next to remain viable.

The story she shares is valuable both in its style and its message.

First, it illustrates how to make your point come alive with a story and why telling stories make your ideas more interesting and memorable.

Second, it  communicates the importance of becoming a storyteller, not only in business, but in life.


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  1. Nancy Duarte says:

    Thank you so much for this post, David! I *LOVED* that conversation with Jonathan, I’m so glad you enjoyed it, too. 🙂

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